Mirit Belly Dance

Remote belly dance classes Enrollment

Pay via Venmo to msvist@yahoo.com, or PayPal to msvist@yahoo.com using to "someone you trust" option, type in note section which class/date/quantity you are interested in.

Register and submit payment at least one hour prior to class, as after that time I won't be able to process you in for an invite.

You will receive e-mail with the Meeting ID and Password at least 30 min before class.

Getting started remote classes using zoom

Once you make the payment you will receive the meeting ID to join the class

You can join class using your mobile phone or desktop/laptop/tablet

To join using your mobile phone:

1. Install Zoom app on your mobile phone
2. Once the app is insalled open it
3. On the home screen click on "Join a meeting"
4. Enter the 10 digit meeting ID provided by me
5. Enter password and click "Join Meeting"

To join using your laptop/desktop/tablet:

1. Go to https://us04web.zoom.us/
2. Click on the "Join a meeting"
3. Enter the 10 digit meeting ID provided by me
4. Enter password and click "Join Meeting"

You DO NOT need to create a zoom account to join live classes.

Ensure you adjusted your screen on eye level, so you are not looking down.

Everyone will be muted until we will start.

Select "my window", right-click on it and choose "Pin". Pin option will help you to see the instructor all the time.

We will test all the settings before we will get started. Please contact Mirit if you have any problems.